
  • CAS No.:64-18-6
  • Molecular weight:46.03
  • Aliases:——
  • Molecular formula:HCOOH
  • UN Code:1779
  • EC No.:200-579-1
  • HS-No:29151100
Specification category:
Product No. Product name specifications
1.14034.018 Formic acid AR500mL
1.14034.038 Formic acid CP500mL
1.14034.048 Formic acid CP25kg
1.14034.098 Formic acid AR25L/Drum
1.14034.098 Formic acid AR25L
Characteristic: Appearance and properties:Colorless fuming liquid with a strong pungent smell.
Relative density: 1.23
Relative vapor density: 1.59
Melting point(℃): 8.2
Boiling point(℃): 100.8
Concentration: Content: a ≥ 90.0%; two ≥ 85.0%.
Vapor Pressure: 5.33 (24 ℃)
Solubility: miscible with water, insoluble in hydrocarbons, soluble in alcohol.
Heat of combustion (kJ / mol): 254.4
Critical temperature (℃): 306.8
Critical pressure (MPa): 8.63
Technical indicators:
Item AR CP
Assay(HCOOH) ≥88.0% ≥85.0%
Solubility in water Pass Pass
Evaporation residue ≤0.002% ≤0.002%
Chloride(Cl) ≤0.0005% ≤0.001%
Sulfite(SO3) Pass Pass
Sulfate(SO4) ≤0.001% ≤0.002%
Iron(Fe) ≤0.0003% ≤0.0005%
Heavy metals(as Pb) ≤0.0003% ≤0.0005%
Hazard characteristics: IATA-DGR UN 1779 FORMIC ACID,8(3),II
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