
Guanghuayigou is an elaborate business platform built by GHTECH, aiming at providing one-stop laboratory packaging services for enterprises and scientific research institutions.
  • 1
    Comprehensive Range:
    The platform operates more than 140,000 products, covering almost all the reagents (domestic and imported) needed by university laboratories.
  • 2
    Reliability and Quality:
    providing high quality products and services to more than 20,000 customers at home and abroad for more than 40 years.
  • 3
    More Concessions:
    The products are supplied by manufacturer, with affordable price and many concessions
  • 4
    Intelligent Order:
    The platform are concise and fast registration and order placing, and can track the progress of order processing at any time.
  • 5
    Easy Reimbursement:
    Various cooperation modes are available and Invoice can be delivered with goods.
  • 6
    Efficient Logistics:
    Distribution process can be tracked and provide home delivery service by special truck.
Copyright © Guangdong Guanghua Sci-Tech Co., Ltd. GuangDong ICP No. 14033791-1
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