
R&D Strength
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Innovation Platform
  • National Research Platform
    National Enterprise Technology Center
  • Provincial And Ministerial
    Research Plantform
    Academician Workstation (Electronic chemical)
    Post-doctoral Research Station
    GD Provincial Enterprise Technology Center
    GD Chemical Reagent Engineering Tech R&D Centers
    GD Provincial Key Laboratory of Electronic Chemicals Enterprise
    GD Province PCB Special Chemical Engineering Technology Research Center
  • Enterprise R&D Centers
    Shantou R&D Center
    Guangzhou R&D Center
  • Production-Study-Research
    SYSU & GHTECH R&D Center
    SCUT & GHTECH R&D Center
R&D Achievement
    • Key Project: Presided or participated in the support projects for the 11th and 12th "Five-Year Plan" of China, as well as the key scientific and technological projects of industrial revitalization and technological transformation launched by National Development and Reform Commission.
    • R&D Reward: Won 16 provincial and municipal levels of scientific and technological progress awards and patent awards.
    • Achievements Appraisal: Many products reached international advanced level, some production techniques and technical indexes even reached the international leading level.
    • Intellectual Property: Applied for 2 US patents and 129 Chinese patents, 69 of which have been authorized, and achieved 1 software copyright. 
Copyright © Guangdong Guanghua Sci-Tech Co., Ltd. GuangDong ICP No. 14033791-1
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