
Li-ion batteries are an important part of new energy vehicles. GHTECH provides high-performance automotive battery materials relying on advanced separation and purification technology. At the same time, GHTECH's products are widely used in the manufacturing process of automotive printed boards and the surface treatment process of automotive parts.
  • New Energy Materials
    Relying on the advanced separation and purification technology, we introduce advanced inte...
  • GHTECH has brought PCB wet process integrated service solution to the industry, including ...
  • Auto Parts
    Our unique one-stop surface treatment service solution for automotive plating fully meets ...
  • Electronic Components
    The surface treatment products of GHTECH bring high quality coatings for electronic compon...
  • LCD Panel
    LCD Panel
    In the production process of LCD panel components, we provide electronic chemicals such as...
  • Touch Screen
    Touch Screen
    GHTECH's high-quality chemical reagents are important matching chemicals in touch screen m...
Copyright © Guangdong Guanghua Sci-Tech Co., Ltd. GuangDong ICP No. 14033791-1
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